We’ve all heard the ice cream introduction. A facilitator asks you to give your name, position, how many years you’ve been with your company and your favorite ice cream flavor. Read more
We’ve all heard the ice cream introduction. A facilitator asks you to give your name, position, how many years you’ve been with your company and your favorite ice cream flavor. Read more
Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week we bring you a “before” and “after” visual to illustrate the concept of “organization.” Read more
Microsoft reminds us that we make over 30 million presentations using PowerPoint. It is clear that presentations using PowerPoint “decks” have become a key form of communication across-the-board. Presentations take place in all different types of companies, from Fortune 500 to small start-ups, as well as in classrooms. Read more
Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This template will help you communicate three different groups of information. We use folders to organize desk drawers, briefcases and, of course, our computers. Why not use folders in PowerPoint? Read more
Every company needs good ideas. Business is changing faster than ever, and without the next new idea, your company will fall behind. Successful leaders know this. Read more
Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week we bring you a great analogy for management. Read more
As I’ve worked with teams and individuals to improve their communication skills over the last two decades, business has become increasingly complex. One thing has stayed consistent: problem solvers are recognized as winners! Read more
When do you just cover up the problem and when do you fix it? Some problems are just too expensive to fix. You won’t get a reasonable ROI in the needed time frame. Every potential solution has to be prioritized. Read more
Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This template will help you organize your key-line message with subcategories. This is a high-impact diagram that bursts from the page and should be used when you want to convey a high-energy message. Read more
The age old debate, do we hire a sales person with industry experience or do we just get the best darn sales person we can find? I hear this conversation often. Today I heard the best answer. Read more